New Favia Moon


Reefing newb
Just went and got this cool new addition today. Only cost me 50. Dont know really what they normally go for but seemed like a good deal since its so big. Its about 6x5 inches. What do yall think? I also got a little sand sifting star fish but now im thinking i shouldnt have done that. Any thoughts on them?
My salinity is kinda low at about 1.022. Is it okay to slowly try to raise it through water changes to about 1.025 or 26
Yes, that's fine just make sure your change is gradual. You don't want to shock your inverts with a sudden change in salinity
Wow,the spreadage of the favia is fantastic,congrats!Haha.....

Personally,I don't like sand sifting seastars,they make the sandbed sterile.