New Corals!!


Reefing newb
Ever since getting my red lobo and florescent green candycanes, I couldn't wait to get more coral. Well, I've finally added a couple more. The first is the ever popular Xenia's, which seem to be very happy and pulsing all the time. The second, I can't really remember the name, so I'm sure all of you will help me with it as I know it started with an S and sounded like a disease. When I was placing it in the tank, I bumped the one side at least twice, and it seems to be a little faded in color there. I'm sure it will be fine though. In that same picture you can see the blue ricordia that has already split twice in the week that I've had it :bounce: I also decided it was time to add another fish, and bought a bicolor anthias. It's a great looking fish and is about 4" long. Being as it's that big, my clowns haven't bothered it as much as they have others. Of course my purple tang still lets the new guy know who's the king of the tank :mrgreen:


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I put the Xenias on a rock that juts out from the other rocks and will not be easy for them to spread off of. If they would though, it would be easy for me to cut them back.

As far as the pics, Thanks! I know how everyone is about pics! Of course I am too.

Any clue what the other coral is though??
It's not that easy to cut it back. If you leave a little piece it will grow right back. Not saying they're bad ( I love xenia) but just making sure you know in case you don't want it everywhere.
The proper term is Scolymia

It's cool. Nice LPS piece. Hopefully it will color up.

This acan enchanita was nothing but a brown/orange blob about the size of a grape when I bought it. It was one tiny polyp, it was brown and it was $15. I knew it was some kind of LPS, but couldn't ID it. I posted pictures of it. Nobody had a clue.

But under the right lighting and care, they can turn into something quite surprising.


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I talked to the LFS and he just said to call it Scoly and everyone would know what it is. I did find out that scolyosis is a spinal disease, but don't know the true spelling of it. The scoly is about 4" across and I was told that it could grow another inch or so. It's a really cool looking coral to me and it has color! Now I'm going to have to plan for what will be next!