new coral Help!!!


Reefing newb
Milwaukee, WI
Is this thing to far gone to save. I just got it today and it looks to be shedding its skin. It is an open brain, I think
I've found that that type of brain (lobos) do not ship well at all. At least, every time I've bought one, they seem to damage during shipping very easily. Keep it at the bottom of the tank for now, and like kid said, feed it if you see it put its tentacles out.
Definitely looks like it's in very bad health. But from my experience anything with flesh has a chance to recover with really good water quality.. and I do see flesh on there! Spray some tiny bits of mysis in it's direction and make sure it gets plenty of light would be my best advice.
ok that is what I have done so far and it came from reefs2go and they have a 14 day alive guarantee. I emailed them I will wait to see what they say about it. I would rather save it then have to get a new one.
If they had sent me one looking that.I'd raise hell until they sent me another one reguardles.
I took another pic and emailed it to reefs2go. I am calling this one a goner. I has not got any better, and is looking worse almost no "skin" left. I am not waiting for a response to see how they handle it. I have heard nothing but good things from this company so I am very hopeful they will take care of me.
Test for phosphates and make sure they are at zero! Also, wait a couple hours after the lights are out, turn off flow and feed it! Don't forget to turn the flow back on. Feeding helps stressed corals.
If you see any brown jelly ie. necrotic tissue, you can use airline tubing to siphon off the dead/necrotic tissue and give the coral a bath with an Iodine solution like TM Pro Coral Cure or similar product. The iodine will act as an antiseptic and hopefully kill prevent the spread of the tissue necrosis.