New buys from discount wholesaler! W/PICS!

Your Peppermint shrimp will make a HUGE impact. they are defintley more useful the nudibranch because like you said, they just eat aiptasia and once its gone they die. and peppermint shrimp like to form a ghost recon squad and whoop some aiptasia @$$! if your lucky you might even get to see some action. its quite fun to watch!
Ok, update today... The last few days the Naso Blonde tang was looking better and better since the day I got him, all of a sudden today he's laying on the bottom in the back of the tank... looks dead to me... behind a bunch of rocks, really hard to get at, not sure if I'll be able to get at him with out moving rocks... and now the swallow tail angel is laying on the bottom dieing! WTF IS GOING ON!? I've never lost a fish before and I don't know what's going on! Everything else is doing fine... inverts and fish, all except for those 2 are doing great and eating fine and everything! I just did a 50 gallon water change in case that helps... but god what a stupid day in fish history! Why would 2 perfectly healthy fish just die!? And no I can't test right now, my test kit is at home (not here, 2 hours away...)
I dont want to be the negative one here but the fish you added all together is quite the bio load to throw in all at once. Its possible that and the stress of too many fish at once could have caused it. I m just guessing. I never add more than one fish at a time unless its like chromis or something.
I hate to hear that Hik.
I'm thinking along the same lines as Alexander on the cause.Even with 200 gallons of water,theres still the stress factor of a bunch of new fish all at once.
That sucks. I miss my Naso Blonde especially, he was a cool ass fish! R.I.P Guy! That's the bad part about ordering from a whole sale store with a minimum shipping charge of $100... Gotta order enough stuff to make it worth it in one order... I would have liked to get the body out, but couldn't find it already after posting last night... I'm sure my cleaner crew will take care of anything in a jiffy... 50 new small hermits, a decent amount of bigger hermits, 50 nassarius snails, and 2 serpent stars should clean it up quick I guess... :(
I just dont understand why it would happen to the 2 healthiest looking fish with no signs of ick (the naso blonde had a few specs when I got him, but the day prior to his death he had almost no signs anymore! Come to think of it, I think he usually hid while everyone else ate... and I didn't notice him eating his veggies when I put a strip in a couple times a day to keep the tangs healthy... Are they known finicky eaters? Because all my other fish are voracious eaters!
The Naso I can understand how it can happen.Their kinda like Powder Blues and Regal tangs when it comes to stress,they dont handle it very well.
I picked up some treatment today to try. Hopefully the blue tang can fight off the ick spots he has from the move yet and finally be done with all that again... The guy at the pet store recommended this stuff, Melafix - Marine. It smells very unique... that's for sure! It's like a tea leaf and aloe fish health booster, well actually it claims corals too. Everything on it says it's safe for all saltwater aquariums, even reef with coral, anemones, and inverts... (No copper!) But hopefully this gives my fishies the boost they need to fight off any type of infection! The stuff does make the skimmer go CRAZY, so it says turn your skimmer off, not sure for how long it will require... hopefully it doesn't expect you to keep it off the full 7 days of treatment it recommends...
Aint no way I'd use Melafix in my tank.
Anything that says its reef safe,is also going to be safe for the ick parasites.If its strong enough to kill the ick,its also going to kill your shrimp,pods,corals,anemones.
Basically,if the label says reef safe,its snake oil.
It's also used for a coral dip if you mix it strong... I used it, it's going to e age or the tank, I don't expect it to just downright kill the ick immediately, but it's got aloe and natural tea stuff in it...? It smells interesting, and hopefully it will coat the fish and heal their ick sores and stuff at least so they can fight it off fully. Active ingredient is 1.25% melaleuca. On the back the description says:
"A safe, all natural way to treat bacterial infestions in saltwater fish and corals. Use to treat open, red sores, and wounds, fin and tail rot, eye cloud, pop eye, body slime, and mouth fungus on fish. Melafix marine is used in commercial coral farms to control bacterial infections, tissue degredation, and for the removal of parasitis flat worms in wild corals...treating won't harm anything or screw up your biological filtration."
I just ran uptown and got a 9 watt UV sterilizer too, went with a cheap one, not a ton of flow from it... but hopefully it helps, it's about the only one I could afford at the time, it was only $40, so not too bad. If it doesn't work I'll look for a more powerful one online. I hope it helps!
Melaleuca is the extract from tea tree leaves. It has been shown to hydrate human skin, but it hasn't yet been shown to have any antibacterial or antifungal properties, which is what you need to cure most of what's listed there. So, I'm gonna have to agree with yote-- it isn't likely to help.
Thanks for the insight! I'm depressed though, everything in my tank is going to hell, I'm pretty sure my emperor and flame are done for? Haven't seen any of my fish today hardly... I'm quitting for a while again. I just spent hundreds of $ on new fish and that's all down the toilet! I'm going to try and get an SL55 AMG here and spend all my money on that instead....
Sorry to hear of your troubles. I have used all those reef safe meds without success. In fact I threw all my parameters out of wack and a lot of corals even died. It did not help the fish in the least.