New android app for aquarium building calculations!


Reefing newb

This is an application for android smartphones and tablets i created, in which you enter the desired dimensions of the aquarium you plan to build and the app instantly calculates the aquarium volume, weight (empty & full of water) and the total surface area of glass needed!
The most important feature of the app, is that it also calculates the glass thickness we need and the exact glass pieces' dimensions we have to use. (The calculations use safety factor 3.8, which is the most common setting)
I believe it is a really handy app for aquarium designing/building, but also for analysing an existing aquarium!

All calculations are available in both metric (cm, ltres, m², kg etc) and imperial (inches, gallons, ft², lbs etc) units!


The app is completely free and you can find it here: AquaBuilder | SlideME!

Soon it will be available in Android Market/Google Play!

If you find the app usefull and you would like to be thankfull, click the ads at the small bar at the bottom of the app and please share it!
I thought to get into writing apps.. glad someone did. Still may, but I tend to have too many irons in the fire.

Good stuff. Good idea.

What other apps are out there for us reefers?
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I thought to get into writing apps.. glad someone did. Still may, but I tend to have too many irons in the fire.

Good stuff. Good idea.

What other apps are out there for us reefers?

Thank you, i hope you make it!
Since you asked, in another forum, i was asked to make an app for detecting electrical power offs! You run it on a phone on a charger and when it stops charging (power is off), it sends an sms to another phone! I took a shot on it, i attached it to this post.
I don't think it is very practical, but it is what i was asked for! What do you think? Would anybody use it?
Since it is now in beta testing, any feedback would be really appreciated!!!!


    226.6 KB · Views: 369
Ya know? I can seriously see how there are plenty of people and companies who would like to be informed if there is a power outage at specific locations. This becomes very apparent with those employed in the IT world. Also, there would be people who have problem machines and equipment that are down for the count if there is a power outage. When I was the manager of manufacturing of a company which made aircraft machined parts for several major .. whatever... power outages caused serious problems. The thing is some smaller companies with machine tools, go home and leave them making parts. They go off line in a power outage and sometimes even "crash". Those guys want to know! First they want to get the machines back online and second so they can go fix what ever havoc the outage caused. And we already hit on the IT and web world.. down time is money! Ya may have something.. I'd look for a module that calls instead of a phone.. . IMO. ,.. or my two cents.. OH.. never mind, you got it right.. a droid on a charger calling you if.... kool!

On topic.. I just got my RODI to my change water tank going.. and haven't hooked up the ATO portion that will turn it off.. having to keep an eye on it.. and .. I have it WAY too salty at the moment and am wishing for it to fill enough to bring the salt down.. else I'll be tossing some salt mix down the toilet so I can add more RODI. Also, just got my two dual TDS meters going.. I have one for my tank final out from RODI and one for my change water RODI... these both run off the same pre-filters. I put one of the "in" probes at the city side, and the second "in" probe after the pre-filters so I can tell how they are doing too.

I intend to design and install a float system tomorrow so I can push a button, which latches a relay, which gets released (unlatched) when the water tilts a float at full. This is just the standard circuit most machines use that have a push button on and push button off.

OH, will also be installing an STC-1000 to control the heater in the change water tank...

I can already tell I am going to love the auto change tank water fill system!!!! .. with its own RODI branch.... can I say ......"giggle".... and not seem to weird?

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Just a little follow-up:
wheeew.. This salt mix is going to come in right on cue... I was afraid I had miscounted cups of salt! I use one of those floating glass tubes to check the mix until I get close, then I go to the real thing.
Whew is right!! I haven't gotten the feel of how much salt goes in yet so I'm still adding a few cups at a time to the water and letting it bubble for awhile and test it and add more salt and let it bubble and test it.....well, you get the idea!! :frustrat:
Whew is right!! I haven't gotten the feel of how much salt goes in yet so I'm still adding a few cups at a time to the water and letting it bubble for awhile and test it and add more salt and let it bubble and test it.....well, you get the idea!! :frustrat:

Make temporary marks and count your cups (or half cups) and soon you will know how many cups of salt from between marks in you change water tank. Then work out a temporary mark on the tank to remove water to. After a few you will know darn close and will have it down to the buckets to the toilet job. Be sure to match you temperature in the change water tank with the aquarium. Kool stuff.. !!
Thanks poksal! I will definately do that. I will be putting a heater in the barrel tomorrow morning as I'm too lazy right now. I'm not too worried about the temps matching as there isn't anything in the tank yet except diatoms.
I always just pour mine lol. Im lazy like that though. I get it a little higher then what i need and check it the next day. It usually drops just a bit.