Nano Tank Quesion


Reefing newb
I saw this nano cube on craig's list is there anything you guys can see that is wrong with this nano tank? Its a 12 g tank comes with heater timer but no bio balls
I am new to aquariums so any help would be appericated


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Does it come with a powerhead? There should be a little pump in the back chamber of the tank.

If not, it's still fine. They are good little tanks. It's a good thing it doesn't come with bioballs, those are generally not a good idea in saltwater anyways.

How much is being asked for the tank? It comes with the stand too, I assume?
it is only $75 for tank im deciding to use my own stand ill ask him if there is a power head i assume there is because he said "it works perfectly"
There should also be a flow spout. From the pics I dont see one.
Looks like it may have broke off, and was replaced with some blue tubing. In the last chamber behind that tubing should be a small return pump that pushes the water back into the tank.
I noticed that blue tube also. Looks sketchy. If you find out that it works fine or is replaceable, then it looks all good.
If a piece seems to have been broken off, I'd check for leaks before taking it. Otherwise, looks fine....except the garage, like Justin so kindly pointed out ;)
Ya, if it doesnt leak, i would risk $75 on that. I think you could fix anything that might be broke for a whole lot less than what it would cost new.

But what about the lighting on that thing? That would be my biggest concern
I got more pictures to further explain the blue modified flow spout
thanks for your help guys i just dont want to get conned


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