Nano Fish

The clean up crew would be about the same as a bigger tank,Just enough to keep it clean.

As for fish,
I personally wouldnt go over a couple of small clowns,or 3 or 4 of the smaller gobys.
Red-stripe gobys are small and can be kept in groups of 2 or 3. I think they are neat lookin'.

Couple snails

Maybe one crab.

That oughta do it.

HAHA!! Me too Yote!
For a cleanup crew try to find some mini brittle stars not the big ones but the ones only about 1/4 inch big, and then a couple hermits and snails, but not too many as they will die if there isn't enough food. I would start slow till you get enough food built up though.
For a nano maybe 3-5 Astrea snails,3-5 small nassarius snails,1-2 ceriths and a queen conch would be my clean up crew in a nano.

I would go with only 2-3 small fish.
Dartfish-Purple Firefish,Red Firefish
Gobies-Yellow Watchmen,Diamond watchmen goby come to mine.Stick with the smaller species.Some grow very large.
Clownfish-I would stick with ocellaris(false percs) clowns or the black/white ocellaris clowns since they are the smallest of clowns.

There are many more so research what you like.
If it was my 10 gallon, I'd go with a pair of clowns and a goby of some sort. Or a pair of firefish and a clown of some sort. I think that's a good combo. But I wouldn't do more than three fish.

As for the cleaner crew, a total of ten snails should do it. A few astraea, a few nassarius, and one turbo.