Just got the Aqua pod tonight (12) and I gotta say - I am pretty impressed with this thing. I've got a 24 watt florescent that I am going to velcro on the back after I peel back some of the black protective tape-ey stuff they put to make a mini refugium.
I'm kind of cheating, and I hope it works - but I'd like some opinions. I am using live rock from my 75 gallon tank, sand from my 75 gallon, and water from my 75 gallon. Technically - does that mean that I don't have to cycle at all, or that I can do a shorter cycle?
Also any general advice about this system, or nano systems in general would be appreciated - not only am I still kind of a newb to the whole marine thing, the nano thing I have about...oh, an hour's experience with. And the guy at my LFS said he's never used one. Doh!