Nano Cube

Ive got the 24 gal JBJ nanocube and I love it to death. My friend has a 12 gal but its not JBJ and he has had it for atleast a year and a half and he hasnt had any problems with it.
Just got the Aqua pod tonight (12) and I gotta say - I am pretty impressed with this thing. I've got a 24 watt florescent that I am going to velcro on the back after I peel back some of the black protective tape-ey stuff they put to make a mini refugium.

I'm kind of cheating, and I hope it works - but I'd like some opinions. I am using live rock from my 75 gallon tank, sand from my 75 gallon, and water from my 75 gallon. Technically - does that mean that I don't have to cycle at all, or that I can do a shorter cycle?

Also any general advice about this system, or nano systems in general would be appreciated - not only am I still kind of a newb to the whole marine thing, the nano thing I have about...oh, an hour's experience with. And the guy at my LFS said he's never used one. Doh!
Congrats on Pod.

It is highly likely you won't get a cycle using existing live rock and sand from your other tank.To be on the safe side test the next day for ammonia and nitrite to make sure it's at zero.My advice is to stay on top of water quality.It doesn't take much to get a nano out of whack.