My Tank's Cycle?


Reef enthusiast
My tank has been running for over a week now.
I started with filtered spring water and mixed in my own salt.
I initially put in at least 10lbs of live sand from an established tank. Then added another 40-50lbs of live sand from Caribsea a few days later.
I initially added at least 10lbs of live rock and now have a total of about 50lbs and it all came from established tanks. Will be adding more.
I do not have any lighting yet.

So should my cycle be pretty short considering all the live substrate and rock?
Salinity is 1.025, Ph is around 8.2, no ammonia, nitrates/nitrites... the one that's supposed to be at 0 is, and the other one as around 5-10. Sorry i forget which is which. Checking it every day or so.

I should have my T5 lighting by the end of next week.
Then I was hoping to be able to add something living to the tank.
What do you think?
i would do a water change, then check again. if you get all zeros or if you get ammonia zero, nitrite zero, and nitrates under 25 then your good to go
Since you used cured live rock from established tanks and live sand, you're probably good to go. If there was no die off from the rock, you won't see any ammonia or nitrites.
I agree with what everyone else said. Start off adding animals slowly. Get a few snails and one fish. Only add one fish every 3 weeks or so. If animals die, don't add anything else for a few weeks until you can verify that your water parameters are okay.
While you still have another week before the lights.No problem adding a pinch of fish food,wait a few days and test everything again.Everything still zero then you're good to go.