My Tang Has Ick

Yea, i know.

Anyway, getting on topic, my blue hippo tangs was rubbing themselves against the rocks last week and I monitored them closely. Finally some white dots appeared on their upper body 3 days ago. 2 days ago, it spread to their side fins. I stopped all regular feeding schedule and only feed them formula 2 after a day. I figured they probably just need more vegie and formula 2 claims to have garlic in them as well. At first they didn't like it, but when hunger kicks in, they eat anything.

Yesterday, one of the tangs was completely clear on Ick while the other one still had some on his top part and on his forehead. This morning, I can only spot 1 or 2 white spot faintly on his upper body. The forehead is completely clear now.

Either the formula 2 worked or it just go away by itself after a few days like everyone said.
Yesterday, one of the tangs was completely clear on Ick while the other one still had some on his top part and on his forehead. This morning, I can only spot 1 or 2 white spot faintly on his upper body. The forehead is completely clear now.

Either the formula 2 worked or it just go away by itself after a few days like everyone said.

If you read those links I gave you`ll see that the parasite will stay on the fish and then fall off to the substrate giving you the impression that they are gone. But once on the substrate over 200 more will bust out of each parasite called tomites. then the life cycle starts all over again and comes back with a vengence. Please dont make the assumption that they just disapeared. The parasite must be treated. I`m a big fan of hyposalinity in a QT and leaving the main tank fishless for 8 weeks to break the life cycle of the parasite.