My Snails Dont Last.

I'd hold off for a couple of days and see if your livestock survives. Once you are sure that everyone is ok, lower a little at a time. to go from 31 to 25 should have taken at least a week...
I ran into that problem with my old refractometer (should have checked the calibration more often).
To safely bring the salinity down,remove a gallon of the tank daily when you top off,then fill back to the full mark with RO.That way the salinitys brought back slow and none of the livestock gets salinity shock.
I usually have a bunch of snail deaths and I'd say my main reason is salinity changes. I typicaly keep mine at about natural sea level so if I let the water evaporate too much without adding new water then it gets pretty damn high.
Well I havent Lost any snails since I joined this sight. I think Between the Aclimation Process that I changed and Getting the Refractometer I have solved my Problem.