My New Tank is Up!!


Stop Quoting Me!
So it's been awhile since my last post, but I finally took the plunge. I feel like I'm studying to be a Doctor and I still don't know anything!!.

BUT...I've got my tank up and running. I originally wanted to do something around 125g, but after pricing, etc. I decided to drop down to a 55g tank. Yesterday I woke up and got to work.

So here's where I'm at to this point.

55 gallon tank
Aqua Clear 300gph filter
Aqua Euro Protein Skimmer
40lbs of argonite (small)

No point in sending a picture, because it's still cloudy, but it's clearing up nicely.

I've got the tank mounted into the wall of my office (unfinished Newly crowned FISH ROOM on the other side)

I'm going to have a carpenter friend of mine come over and build a nice frame around the tank in the next couple of days.

But enough about me, let's talk about fish... obviously I'm a newb. but it seems I may have fallen in love with a fish. I'm absolutely in love with emperor angels(are they dwarf or large angels?). However, I don't know anything about them yet. How difficult are they to take care of? Do they have compatibilty problems with ALOT of other fish? I have the compatibility chart, but what I read on the forums and what I see in the charts sometimes differ...any help is greatly appreciated.

Once I get a couple pieces of LR in my tank I'll post some pics.
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I hate to be the one to say it.But a 55 probably aint gonna work for an emperor angel.
They need at least 100 gallon tank.They are pretty fish though.

Go ahead and post a pic.:D We love to see a tank go from a glass box to thriving enviroment.
I hate to be the one to say it.But a 55 probably aint gonna work for an emperor angel.
They need at least 100 gallon tank.They are pretty fish though.

Doesn't that just figure... Oh well, I can still dream about it...Thanks for giving me a reason to hate my 55g. LOL
Hope to see the Pics soon! You gotta start somewhere and eventually upgrade, at least that is what I am telling myself!
Well, I got a little bad news today, but no big deal..I had my carpenter friend come over today. Bottom line, I've gotta empty the tank so he can do his job....Damn.

Here's a pic anyway.

I'm in no hurry, and it's not like the tank is cycling...I just got the argonite and the water in (it's still a bit cloudy from me moving it around, temp perfect and the water at 1.024.

So he's coming out on Friday to place the frame around the tank. I'm going to have him reinforce the cabinet for any future upgrades

The blue stuff that you see around the frame of the tank is blue painters tape to protect it from scratches while I was working.

I did notice one thing, I've got some "sticks" in my sand.. Once the cloudiness dissapated I noticed sticks laying on the bed, I'll just get them when empty it

I've got the heater and the thermometer in the front right, so I could see them while I'm working...

And one more thing, the "official" color that I painted on the back is Indianapolis Colts blue. LOL. Otherwise, you'd be looking at my hot water heater.


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that's looking really good. Thanks for the pic. Keep them coming and good luck with your carpenter on friday! I hope all keeps moving forward for you smoothly.
Welcome PRC!

I LOVE blue backgrounds! Your 55 will give you a wide variety of fishes, corals and inverts to choose from. Angels are difficult anyway. Since you're in the planning stages, have you thought about keeping seahorses? They are truly wonderful.

Why don't you start an official "build" thread? In the tanks forum? It's a great way to keep a journal of your tank.

Nice. I love in-the-wall tanks. You may be able to fit a 120 in that space later and then get that emp angel. I especially love the juvenile emperors; such a shame they have to grow up.
Yeah, I've got plenty of room, none of the wall is load bearing. The other side of the wall is just an unfinished part of the basement, so I've got plenty of room.. My issue now is, since I've gotta empty the tank anyway, do I just go bigger right now...Driving me crazy...Damn Emperor Angel.. But I've got the skimmer and everything and it's working well with the 55g. Trying to be a little budget minded so that I can properly take care of it.
The tank itself is probably the cheapest part. I see 120+ sized tanks on CL for under 200 bucks quite often here in Texas.
Rwynn, this is exactly why you and I could never hang out...We'd have sweet reef tanks, but we'd both be broke.! :) OR broker in my case.

I've gotta be honest, I don't quite grasp the whole sump thing...Again, I'm a newbie. I've tried to understand it, but since I have no real world experience other than what I'm reading in books and on forums I don't understand how to set one up. Or what to put in it,etc. or where and how to get holes drilled. When I've asked questions about them, people just talked over my head, and I didn't grasp it. So I went with the skimmer and filter.

I talked briefly to a guy at my LFS about drilling holes, months ago. He wanted $200. for the holes...I drill holes for a living (not in glass)....If I got paid $200 for 2 holes, I would have retired in 1987.