My new additions!!


Reefing newb
So my tanks been running for over almost 2 months now and my readings are all good. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and about 10 ppm nitrate. I did my water change and I got all of these 2 weeks ago. I also got 10 blue leg hermit crabs and 10 turbo snails. All seem to be doing great and like i said they have all been in there for a little over 2 weks now. What do yall think?
Also wanted to post some pics of my tank and see what yall think. I was thinking of building my wall a little taller. Sorry for the crappy pics their with my phone.010.webp
You should be fine for corals! Mushrooms and zoanthids would be perfect, and they come in every color imaginable. Some LPS that would work are torch/frogspawn/hammers, bubble corals, or candy canes.
This is true. Corals aren't made to withstand the beating that clowns hosting can give. If clowns host corals, the coral will oftentimes close up and stay closed to protect itself from the clown. Larger corals will sometimes be fine, but the smaller the coral is, the more susceptible it will be to the clowns' aggression.
Ahh that makes since. Well they havent even looked at it so far so hopefully they stay away. I was going to get some zoos tomorrow. Do you think I would be okay with adding a couple corals at the same time. Im not sure what effect they have on the bio load.
The LFS is right for a change.You really don't want clowns hosting your torch,which btw,looks very healthy.I find that they do better with supplemental feeding with mysis and cyclopeeze.You may need to shut the pumps off and scare the fishes away.

Congrats and yeah,it would look better if your rocks went higher up or even better,two separate islands.