My new 25 gallon tank


Reefing newb
Hi everybody, yesterday I setup my 25 gallon marine tank. Lighting has not been done yet maybe in another 10 days planning to buy T5 metal halide lamp. Water salinity level 1.023 ppt.water temp-30’ celsius.Before installing the tank I have gone several article posted in this forum which was more informative. Expecting all your suggestions.

Thanks & Regards


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hi reefer 82,

Yes it was DIY HOB refugium.Third filter chamber was refugium chamber with 5' inch live sand & live rock.
Looking good. Just make sure the rocks are stable. Most times, you set the rock on the bare bottom then add the substrate ( will limit chance of a rock slide )
For that size/shape tank, either T5 or metal halide would be fine. T5 fixtures come on legs that you set on top of the tank, so they come in standard lengths. If your tank is not a standard length, then I would suggest a metal halide pendant that hangs from the ceiling.
Sorry for not updating so long, I was in vacation. My tank length was 21 inches; I felt it will be difficult to fix “2ft T5 ho Light” fixture in my tank. If I purchase metal halide, what should be the wattage of bulb needed for my tank?
Tank size -21”x 12”x23” inches L X W XH [25 GALLON]
Yesterday I bought test kit & 2ft T5 light, though my tank was not standard size I can able to fix t5 fixture by adjustable legs. The Fish shop keeper keeps on suggest me to buy Aquacaly, Zeolite, Activated volcano lava for filter chamber, but I didn’t purchase it and is it really necessary?
Today I have tested my reef tank water shows following results Ph-8.2, Nitrite-0.25ppm, Nitrate-0.00ppm, Ammonia-0.00pm.My biological filtration not in operational state since I didn’t add Cheatomorpha in refujium tank. It is difficult source chatemorpha in India, iam trying with sister to source chaetomorpha who is a microbiologist. I added pair blue fish in tank today; truly don’t know the species name. All your suggestion is welcome


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Recently I found some kind of brown color algae formation in rock and wave maker. Is it safe or not. Water parameters ammonia -0.0ppm, nitate-0.0ppm, nitrite -0.0ppm, ph-8.2


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those are diatoms, which are normal when you first start a tank. They should go away on their own as long as you arent using tap water, and dont have a silicate based sand
fishes are dying

My damsel fish couldn’t able to survive in my tank. After fifteen days of cycling my new tank, I added pair of damsel fish. Fish war normal for two weeks, suddenly one of damsel fish died. Checked water parameters everything [nitrate, nitrite, ammonia] was zero except temp is around 93.2 Fahrenheit.Then another damsel fish also died after five days. Again checked water parameters were normal. Is high temperature could be problem for the death of damsel? I also heard damsel fish are pretty hardy fish able survive in high temp; my statement might be wrong kindly clarify reason for death of fishes.
Thanks & rgds
Damsels are notorious for fighting with each other (and other fish) to the point where one dies. I would suspect that might be the source of your issues.

However, that is extremely hot for any tank and they could have also run out of oxygen because warm water holds a great deal less oxygen. It is also much warm than the ocean is normally. I would try and get the temperature down to a stable 80 degrees before adding more fish.