my new 120

Re: my new 120 - new pictures

here's an updated pictures of my new reef...Enjoy.:Cheers:













hey i couldn't tell for sure but if that was a yellow citron goby, if so you might want to keep an eye on him when he gets around your SPS corals.

Had the hardest time figuring out PE issues in my past and he was one of my issues.


bkv1997 said:
hey i couldn't tell for sure but if that was a yellow citron goby, if so you might want to keep an eye on him when he gets around your SPS corals.

Had the hardest time figuring out PE issues in my past and he was one of my issues.



yes it is a citron goby AKA clown goby. what did it do to your tank? i did research on this fish before i bought it and can only find good thing about it. and i only got it for $5 a piece.

different kind of starfish feathur star or something they have them they say ony should be attempted my experts only, so let us know how yours does kimoy than i will try one our lfs carries them also.
just tested my water and have my LFS test it too and here are the results
Ca 360
alk 7.0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
amonia 0
salinity 1.023

i just dosed a 2 part Ca and Alk
let us know which two part you are using, dosing rate, and keep us posted on your progress. thanks for the info. with your readings a two part additive is a good move at this point.
i am using the powder kind from kent marine. i don't know if you call it a 2 part but at least that's how i call it. anyway i just follow the instructions on the bottle. dilute 1/2 a teaspoon per 40 gal of aquarium vol on an 8 oz of fresh water and pour it to the tank- i pour it on my overflow that goes for both Ca and Alk but Alk is half the Ca dose. i have a 120 gal main so my Ca is 1.5 teaspoon and my Alk is 1 teaspoon.

will test it again tonight and see how far Ca and Alk went up.
If you are using a two part, one bottle will be part A and one part B. if what you are doing is using one additive to raise calcium, and another additive to raise alkalinity that is not a two part. a two part is like C-balance part A & B. two bottles and must be used together although one at a time. Kent also puts out a two part additive Tech*CB part A & B
jhnrb said:
If you are using a two part, one bottle will be part A and one part B. if what you are doing is using one additive to raise calcium, and another additive to raise alkalinity that is not a two part. a two part is like C-balance part A & B. two bottles and must be used together although one at a time. Kent also puts out a two part additive Tech*CB part A & B

i guess i am usiong a 2 part then. one bottle for calcium and another for alkalinity.

new addition

i coudn't help it but it's just so nice.


and i also added a huge bubble coral which is flourescent in color with a little green on it. will post picture of that tommorrow, the lights turned off on me.:grumble: