My 46g Bow Front Tank by Sakura2282

If you see it's health starting to decline as a last resort you can buy a piece of LR with hair algae on it put it in the tank. Have you tried the dried seaweed for tangs?
If you see it's health starting to decline as a last resort you can buy a piece of LR with hair algae on it put it in the tank. Have you tried the dried seaweed for tangs?
No, I haven't tried that one yet. I'm going to look for it this week. Thanks! :)
You got the wrong guy. It was the restraining order filed against me by @bronson on Living Reefs for stalking him, that kept me away. He just couldn't handle it lol. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Sakura youve hurt my u aint had em ripped out years ago by several of your species.Carry on :ROFLMAO:
Did I? Then, I apologize :oops:. And yeah, men say that all the time, but they always come back for more ;). They just can get enough of us and then, it's our fault. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
lol nothing to apologise for .havin a laugh and you sound a nice person doubt you have any evil in ya lol;)
Algae Update.

Since my nitrates starting to go down I've been fighting this new algae. I think it's Dinos, at least that's why I think I have. I'm open to suggestions.

My nassarius snail is the only loss so far I loss him like seven days ago. The only snails that I have in my tank right now are the pair of astraea snails. They were on the rocks until this algae started to show up on my tank like crazy two weeks ago (when I also started to run carbon, but I going to change that on my next WC). As soon as the algae started to grow on the rocks like this, they moved out to the tank walls and haven't been on the rocks since then.

I'm thinking I'm gonna do the three days blackout, but I'm waiting because of my blenny I don't want to stress her out more than she needs to. Right now, I'm more worried about her than the algae. I know it looks awful, but when I do my water changes I siphon it out as much as I can.

My lights could be also a big part of the problem. I ruined them again so now I can't control for how long they are on. They are back to the factory setting that keeps the whites on from 10 AM to 8 PM and the blues on from 9 AM to 10 PM and then off. Before I was able to move this to my own convenience.

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I also have cyano, but the cyano was before the dinos. And it could be because I don't have nothing stirring my sand right now. I'm thinking in buying some blue leg hermits, maybe they can help me with this.

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My hair algae problem has improve a lot. The HA is almost gone, there are still a few spots of it specially on this rock. And I'm glad to have it because my blenny likes to munch at it. I'm gonna post a video of her eating the HA on this rock the next time I remember to grab my phone when she's at it, instead of just watching her eat it lol.

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This is how my tank looks after I do the WC and clean the tank from that nuisance algae. Here you can see better the improvement of my HA problem. If you have been following my thread then you know it looks quite different than before.

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Thanks for reading! :)


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Sorry to hear about your lights.
From your pics it looks like just red slime, or cyano to me.
Just keep removing as much as possible with your wc and a blackout followed by a large wc is a good idea.
Your corals are looking good, and growing nicely.