Mushroom question


Coral Junkie
Well do to my tank size and my addiction 2 corals hurting my wallet. I decided that I was going to go with a mushroom because I know that they divide rapidly. So I bought this beautiful red orange mushroom. for 12 bucks
Now it has a foot like an anemone and has the carpet look like an anemone. It even has a mouth.The bottom is blue. But it wont stick to the live rock because the clowns keep swimming buy it and knocking it over Ive put it back in its place twice to nite. So what should I do. and is it possible that I have some kind of carpet anemone?
post a picture of it, if it's a coral you'll have to glue it, mushrooms have little mouths that are just little circles in their middle

really we just need a picture
I've superglued mushrooms to rocks before. Use superglue gel if you want. $12 for a mushroom is a really steep price. If you post a pic, we can tell you for sure what it is.
You may have a Ricordea mushroom instead.Those will not multiple as quick as other mushrooms.Try super glue gel to attach it to a rock rubble.BTW,mushrooms are very closely related to anemones.I hear many refer mushrooms as mushroom anemone instead of corals.