Mushroom question


Team Liquid Force
I know that is it bad to have different species of coral touch each other, but is it alright to have different species of mushrooms touching each other? EX, a watermelon mushroom touching a hairy mushroom?

Kinda catch my drift?
I dont think it would hurt any thing if they touched.But you might want to keep an eye on em for a few days just to be on the safe side.
I've had all kinds of mushrooms touch one another with no ill effects.The only ones I hear you shouldn't have touching anything are Ricordeas.
Not trying to jack a thread, but anyone know where to get good ricordeas affordable? BTW the only problem I've seen with mushrooms touching is that sometimes 1 gets too big and blocks the light to others.
The cheapest I have ever seen rics, online, or in my LFS is $10 a pop. If you find any cheaper than that, let me know. They are one of my favorites.
With mushrooms, they will expand more if they are shaded more, they kinda stretch to get the light. If you keep shrooms or rics in really high light, they will never seem to open up, whereas if you keep them in the shade, they will expand more. At least, that's how it goes in my tank.
They do well in the light and the shade. But if you want them to expand to their full size for your viewing pleasure, you have to "light stress" them, I think. Keep in mind, this only pertains to mushrooms. Most other corals don't have the capability to expand to absorb more light, and if they are shaded or don't get enough light, they will die.