mr nubby mc nubby nubs


I have allways had problems with my pusling xenias. I thought the ones I had now were doing good but they are starting to nub up. I don't know what is doing it of how to prevent it. I add iodine, irion on occasions. And some other casuall supplements. I have halides and t5 lights. But the pulsing xenias just start to shrink up slowly until after a while there is nothing left. I want to stop and prevent it. What should I do
Xenia is one of those corals that either love the tank and become a weed,or just die out.That being said,your tank may be one that xenia just dont do good in.
But before we decide on that,give us the run down on your parameters,photoperiod,waterchanges,and livestock.
I was doing water changes once a week but I know do them once every other week so that more bacteria can build up. Is there a way to test iodine. I just add it according to the back label. I have never hurd of a iodine test
Yes, there are iodide and iodine tests.

For now, I don't care what your water parameters are. My advice is stop all dosing of any kind and do weekly 20% water changes.

Come back and reply to this thread in 6 weeks with water parameters and tests along with a report on your xenia. I'm betting they will be flourishing.
Eh. Maybe, maybe not. I was never able to keep xenia in my old 55 gallon tank. I'd buy them, and within a few days they'd have disappeared to nothing. They grow like weeds in my 240. You may just have to give up on that coral.
I agree with Biff. I have had a lot of bad luck with xenias in the past. In my smaller tank I never had much luck and they would die within a few weeks. Now I have 2 different types in my 150gal and both seem to be flourishing. Two months I had one stock and now over five. I must also say my parameters are not perfect. Tiz a puzzlement!
yes i have had pusling xenias before and they never have done well i accept that they must just not like my tank. but amazingley all of my other corals, candy cane, star polyps, and all of my other corals are doing great. must just be them. i am lucky for what i got though.
in my old 50 xenia did not do well but in my new 75 the xenia does great but my colt that did great in the 50 wilted to nothing