Moving Toadstool


Reef enthusiast
I need to rearrange my rock because I'm going to have a landslide if I don't. So while I'm doing my water change I'm going to do some aquascaping. I have a toadstool that is attached to two rocks. It a big mushroom shape one. It is attached on the bottom on one rock and the one side on another. Will it hurt it if I dettach it's side? If not how would I do it?
Just use a good sharp razor blade and slice through the base.Get as to the rock as you can.It might slime up for a day or 2,but it shouldnt hurt the toadstool.
Just use a good sharp razor blade and slice through the base.Get as to the rock as you can.It might slime up for a day or 2,but it shouldnt hurt the toadstool.

that is what i did to my colt when it was spreading to a new rock just try and make it one cut that way is is a nice clean cut.