Moving from a smaller to a bigger tank?


Reefing newb

Tomorrow I get my 105 gallon tank, and now I am running 19 gallon (bucket) :D...

The question is - how do I move from one tank to another?

What I was thinking... Put in Live sand in the 105 gallon, saltwater, some live rock maybe 5 pounds and without lights, let it cycle? And when it is cycled, slowly start adding rocks and lights. And when rocks and lights are added, I move my small tank to the big tank?

Have I gotten it right, or once again, horribly wrong?
That works, I would go ahead and put all the rock in to the new tank right away. Once you have cycled move the small tank over after acclimating. Light on or off on the new tank dont really matter.
That works, I would go ahead and put all the rock in to the new tank right away. Once you have cycled move the small tank over after acclimating. Light on or off on the new tank dont really matter.

For the new aquarium, I will buy new rock, I don`t want to stress my fish for a month... They really like their rocks, so I`m just going to leave rocks there till the last moment, so fish can feel at home, and when the aquarium has finished cycled, i will move fish to the new home. And after few days, the rest of the rocks, so there won`t start a new cycle..
I figured you where going to use new rock for the bigger tank. I agree dont take the small tank apart until you plan on moving everything. I thought you had all the new rock already and where going to put it in a little at a time. If you are using dry rock for the new build make sure you have at least some established live rock as well, it well shorten the cycle time.
I agree on putting all of the rocks in at once (except the ones from your old tank). Part of the cycling process is letting the bacteria from the live rock grow enough to process the waste. If you don't put all of the rocks in at once, then you really aren't providing enough surface area for the bacteria to grow on.
I agree on putting all of the rocks in at once (except the ones from your old tank). Part of the cycling process is letting the bacteria from the live rock grow enough to process the waste. If you don't put all of the rocks in at once, then you really aren't providing enough surface area for the bacteria to grow on.

Ok...copy that..

How many wats of T5 should I need for 105 gallon tank? Because kessil leds... make this hobby very expensive.. I need like at least two of them, which is like 430 dollars each.. or 250 dollars each if take the small kessils... For a student it`s kinda hard :)