More pix ofthe weird thing growing on my Live Rocks

Yes he will get use to you eventually some fish are more timid then others my clowns are a mess last night I took pics of my tank and my female would put her @$$ in almost every shot. My male didnt care but my female acted as if she wanted her pic taken.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! Where are those pix of your tank???
You gonna post it on here???

My clowns are cool.... The don't care.... I can poke then and they won't move.... Sometimes, the biggest clown pick on the smaller one. Especially when it is feeding time. He picks at the smaller one. and the smaller one gets scared and goes in a corner and dosn t wanna eat. So i poke the biggest clown, then one causing all the trouble.... And he's not even scared!! but the tang is hiding a lot... When people cme over, they ask if the 2 clowns are the only fish in the tank... I always try to show them the tang, but noone gets to see him! lol...