

The Great Tang Herder
hello all:bounce:. I just got back from 2 weeks at work and my wife neglected to tell me while i was away:frustrat: that some of my rock with pollups has mold growing on it:death:. what is the cause of this and how do i get rid of it. it looks similar to mold that grows on food ooohhh gross
That's not bryopsis. It's some type of fungus. I have never seen anything like it on polyps before. I would QT them or dip immediately before it has a chance to spread to anything else.
Sorry I was viewing this on my phone and didnt even see the white stuff on the polyps, I was seeing the dark spots on the rocks. My appologies, listen to the above posts,
Definitely looks like some sort of parasitic fungus. I also second the idea (or third?) to remove that rock and clean it well. The corals will survive an iodine dip just fine. Good luck!