Missing percula


I noticed a few days ago that only 1 percula clown has been appearing. I can't find its companion of 21 months. I tried to look at OT glass under tank with a flashlight, couldn't see it. If I don't find it do I need to replace it with another percula clown or can I venture into another type of fish? Will the lone percula need a companion? If I can venture to another type of fish, what can I look at to compliment my tank? I have three pj cardinalfish, 1 Tomini tank, 1 blue hippo tang, 1 panther grouper, 1 green brittle star, turbo snails, nassarius snails, 1 crocea clam, some hermit crabs and 1 sand star. At this point it is basically a FOWLR tank but I do plan to add SPS and LPS in the near future.:question:
Your Clown doesn't need a companion to be happy. If you get another be sure to get one significantly smaller or larger so they won't challenge each other for territory.
Dcan is right. Your clown will be fine all by itself, but will more likely get along with a clown that's a very different size from itself. And if you do decide to get another clown, make sure it's the same kind.

If you want to get something else, how about one of the reef safe wrasses? They are beautiful.