Marinne's 65G LPS tank

I seem to recall someone on here keeping their tank stocked with macro algae to keep their decorator away from the corals. Pretty sure it worked. I can't remember who it was, though. :/
I had 2 with the rock I got from them...both died after a while and never presented any threat while there....the goofy SOBs carried all kinds of crap around though....very entertaining....
I just looked on a map...I had no idea just how remote that place is.....I don't think I could survive there....first of all I absolutely hate cold weather....Florida gets cold to me.....

I used to live in Omaha and one spring day I was out in shirtsleeves running errands and I heard the radio guy say it was 19F....I realized that was just all wrong......I hate cold cause it makes my person hurt....
It blows here and I mean that literally...always windy and in the winter its brutal

The LFS here had a bad summer as most people get restless in the winter and that's when the business comes
I just hate waiting for critters to be delivered....I'm always so worried that I will get a bag of stinky death....
And fish are what I'm considering just so I can get the grouping I want without having to pay LFS retail prices....
so I have Cirolanid Isopods...looks like I am going to have to tear this tank down :(
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