Mandarin Goby


Reefing newb
The guy at my LFS has been trying to convince me what a great addition to my tank a mandarin would be. I told him I would love one but I was worried about some things I have read about them starving and needing a good established tank with a lot of copepods. Even then some of my reading indicates its a hard fish to keep.
He tells me that the supplier he deals with only sends ones that are eating frozen foods and I wouldn't have any trouble at all.
Any opinions? I am pretty sure it's still a bad idea, but I love the look of them so, I thought I would ask.
From what I have read they are indeed hard to keep, I know I would not attempt one yet, but then again I am still looking at a tank with nothing but rock and sand in it, I'm sure the pro's here will let you know for sure.
I wouldn't put one in anything less then a 75 with a refugium. If he says they eat frozen food make him show you. I think most lfs people will tell you anything to make some $.
I'd pass on it. I unfortunately starved one in my 25 gallon about a year ago. Major bummer, because I really like the fish. They're pretty tough to keep for long periods, though.
If it is indeed eating frozen,you have a better chance.They are slow eaters so if you have aggressive tankmates they may still starve.I would never try one in your size tank.A well mature 75g.(or larger) with plenty of live rock and perferably with a refugium is really more ideal.
it all will depend on if he does eat frozen, not picking at it, feeding greedily. the other thing will depend on his tankmates. because they are SO SLOW to eat (grazing, literally). anything that eats fast will take his portion and he will starve. Make that choice wisely

If it is taking frozen mysis which IMO is the only good substitute for there natural diet it should be fine in a species specific or nearly species specific tank with one or two shy/slow feeders as tank mates.

In my experience even in large systems the microfauna population will fall to levels at times that can not sustain a mandarin that is not taking frozen mysis. Have the LFS feed frozen mysis in the holding tank to make sure it is indeed taking the food before you purchase.
Great advice from above. I would ask to see it eat frozen first, and then if your stock list is low maybe give it a try.
i think I will wait on it. Maybe when I upgrade to the 55 I will reconsider but I don't want to buy a fish that will only suffer in my tank. I just love the look of them so much. Thanks for all the advice.
My Mandarin is fatter and happier than when I got him from my lfs. I have a 55gal w/ 2" sand bed, was established for 4 mos. when I added him, there's lots of stuff for him to eat. I don't know if one would be ok in a smaller tank though, maybe not enough sand for a good crop of copepods.