Made a huge mistake.

Cool. I think i'll go with the blue/green chromis then. Blue reef chromis look awesome but they're priced almost at $20 each =[
Are there any other schooling marine fish for me to consider? Just curious =D

Chromis are "supposed" to be the cheapest fish on the block. You shouldn't pay more than $5 to $6 each...and get a discount when you buy 3 or more..

I've got 3 blue chromis I like them, but once they feel completely safe in your tnak they will stop schooling, they'll get together now and again, and at night, but during the day they'll do what they want.

I've also got 2 clowns, they do argue now and again with the Chromis, but nobody gets hurt and it's fun to watch them hit the go fast pedal.
don't worry pringles. you'll come out fine. people who get a free 40breeder from you are definitely willing to help out.

look into some of the smaller cardinals. i hear they're tighter schoolers than chromis and more docile.
As long as you have enough liveRocks then you'll be fine with the yellowtail and clowns i have 1 yelowtail damsel and a pair of perculla in my 72g bowfront. Chromis not bad for schooling but it shoudnt cost 20 bucks. I just went to our LFS yesterday and chromis was 3 for $12.