Mad at my clowns!


I am a girl
I'm frustrated with my pair of tomato clowns (Clowny and Alexander). First, they insisted on hosting my goni (the polyps stayed retracted, then it died). Then when the goni died, they moved to my long tentacled plate coral (the polyps stayed retracted, then it died). Then when they killed off the plate coral, they moved to a big rock of zoanthids -- okay, it'd be pretty hard for them to irritate those to death. But recently they've moved on to hosting my torch coral that I've had for two years (which used to have about 8 heads). It's now down to 4 heads, and I suspect it's the clowns bothering it. AGAIN. I always see them rolling around in it, and they steal food from it, and they won't leave the damn thing alone. So I moved the torch tonight, to the front of the tank, and we'll see if the clowns go back to the zoanthids and let's hope the torch will start growing back...
my LFS at home has a HUGE toadstool that the clowns wont leave. I mean huge, like wont fit into my 24 gal tank huge. Its pretty cool
man that fake anemone sure has my curiosity...

About once the clowns have already hosted a coral, it will be hard to get them away from it to a new toadstool.

Biff, why dont you remove the clwons for a few days rearrange some rock so they forget and then put them back. Its all i can think of.
I already have a giant toadstool leather -- it's about 8 inches across. It's on the other side of the tank (the clowns stay on the opposite side all the time), but I could try moving it over and see if they start hosting that instead. Good idea.

As for rearranging the rocks, I have corals glued to every rock in my tank, so that's a no go...
Clowns are overrated.Take the clowns back for credit.(good luck on catching them).

I can't understand why they can't just host one coral.Hosting the brain is fine but jumping back and forth between the alveopora,brain and gsp is bad!

I have the same problem as you. my clowns will not stop hosting my gonipora either! I have tryed to move it from the far left of my tnk to the far right, but the clowns will always find it. I was worried at one point as my gonipora was retracted for about 1 week (at first). Now, it looks ok. How long did it take for your clowns to kill your gonipora? Just wondering if mine is in danger as well.... as it looks fine now, with the 2 clowns in it.... And they have been hosting it since january...
For tanks with clowns I usually include a ordinary toadstool leather for them to host in absent a anemone (don't like anemones either). This is about the only coral that seems to actually enjoy having clowns.

I'll be damned....that was a cool pic from that link. I never pay much attention to clown fish (the whole "Nemo" thing annoyed the living shit out of me). I had one a long time ago and people always said "hey look! It's Nemo!" That got really freaking annoying after awhile.

Anyway, I didnt know they used toadstools like that, pretty neat.
man that fake anemone sure has my curiosity...

About once the clowns have already hosted a coral, it will be hard to get them away from it to a new toadstool.

I may give it a shot since my lighting is a little low for my sebae, even though it seems to be doing ok. If I pick one up ill post on how it goes.

I have the same problem as you. my clowns will not stop hosting my gonipora either! I have tryed to move it from the far left of my tnk to the far right, but the clowns will always find it. I was worried at one point as my gonipora was retracted for about 1 week (at first). Now, it looks ok. How long did it take for your clowns to kill your gonipora? Just wondering if mine is in danger as well.... as it looks fine now, with the 2 clowns in it.... And they have been hosting it since january...

It took several months. My goni was very small (golf ball sized) so I don't think it could handle all the action.
Clowns are overrated.Take the clowns back for credit.(good luck on catching them).

I can't understand why they can't just host one coral.Hosting the brain is fine but jumping back and forth between the alveopora,brain and gsp is bad!

Hahaha, like I could catch anything in my tank!!! I'm attached to the suckers...

They only move onto a different coral when they've successfully killed their host.

Tonight I'll try that suggestion and move the toadstool over to where they live. That guy is so huge, he could handle them.
my clowns don't host anything and that includes a frogspawn, torch, hammer, and a toadstool. However, my Midas Blenny likes to dig a hole out of my rock then a week later find another spot and dig another hole, then now it is hosting my thermometer. Big yellow distroying machine it is.
I moved the toadstool leather over to their area. They totally ignored it. Instead they started hosting my new 8-headed hammer. Which now has 5 heads. So I've moved the hammer (I hope the other heads, which are slightly damaged, aren't beyond recovery), and now they're hosting some frilly mushrooms that I have in the area. Stupid clowns.