Love at first sight...


Reef enthusiast
I finally got my carpet anemone...about time too, waited over a year to feel secure about it.

Anyways, it couldnt have gone any better...5 mins within introducing it in the tank, my larger clown hosted it immediately and she is having the time of her life...The little clown wants to play too but she wont let him near the anemone...he is just hovering above waiting to get his turn lol

Here are some pics:



i hate to correct and sound like a know it all but that is an invert, its a carpet anemone

Correct away ... I don't want to keep thinking it is one thing when it's another. I thought anemones were corals. I don't plan on getting one due to reading that they are hard to keep, so I didn't research the difference that closely. Thanks!
wow, so beautiful. what color is the anemone. It looks blue or purple.

Actually its hard to tell in those pics...the anemone has a few colors from what i can tell, but still hard to be specific on the exact color because the lights affect the look so much. but right now i see Purple, Green and Brown.
Awesome aren't they? I got my blue two weeks ago and he's doing great too!

For some reason i like the carpets so much. I like the short tentacles and the massive size. I know they are risky but i couldnt help myself...I hope it all goes smoothly.

The clowns are not getting along anymore. I thought they were a pair all this time but it looks like she now want to have nothing to do with the little guy anymore...what gives? is this normal?
Is the clown that is being more naughty and unfriendly the clown that hosts the anemone? I noticed before my clown hosted her anemone, which by the way had been in the tank for months....and the clown showed no interest. She slept in midsize up the tank alongside the edge of the tank. No interest in the anemone. But, my skunk shrimp just loved him. She basically claimed him. Until my clown got sick. I thought I was going to lose her. Then on the 4th of July....she snuggled down in to the anemone and a week later recovered. Since she has made claim and buddies with the anemone...she has actually become rather naughty. If she had teeth, she would show them when other fish come near her anemone. And she darts at them. Before, she was very timid. Even abit scared to come and charge with the others at feeding time...
So, I think something happens when they host with the anemone...Jealousy and by darn...I aint gonna share my cake...attitude...
Yes the clown that's hosting the anemone has changed personality. She was always mean but only to my she is mean to everyone including the smaller clown. Before the anemone they were getting along just great. They were together all the time and now when the small one even remotely tries to get closer to the anemone, she attacks the hell out of him.
I was reading up on anemones and clownfish and I read that the female will take to the anemone and a lot of times not invite the male as she is getting the nest ready. Once the nest is ready she will invite the male to her place. I read it on wetwebmedia as another person was going through the same thing. So maybe just give them time and see what happens.