Living Reefs Upgrade


Reefing newb
Sometime in the next couple of days, we'll be upgrading Living Reefs to some new forum software. Mobile browsing will be much better and we'll have plenty of nifty new features.

The upgrade may take around an hour to complete and some things will be added back over the coming days (like the chat feature for example).

The design is very similar to before, so it should be familiar for most things - but of course you can ask any questions about how things work and I'll do my best to answer!
It's good to know that the mobile browsing experience is gonna be better, because right now is almost none. I'm very excited to see those nifty new features you're planning with the upgrade.
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Part 1 is done :D

The site is now running on XenForo now, although we've still got loads of tweaks and changes still to come :). Over the coming days I'll start adding back features one at a time and then working on some exciting new things.

If you've got any ideas for things you'd like to see, let me know :).
You can even tag people @ErinCahir

Just type the "@" follow by the username and you can tag/alert someone to things in a thread :).
It looks great, but will there be the feature that shows whether or not a post is read yet on the side bar?

I've not seen that feature before - is it something you've seen on other XenForo boards? If so, I'll take a look at it.

What are the "points" for?

There's an option for trophies in the forum software, so members can be rewarded by doing certain things - for example, getting x likes, making x posts, being a member for x years, etc... I've disabled it for the moment, but if it's something that may be popular then I'll enable it. The points go toward having a member title rank.