live sand too much in my saltwater aquarium


Reefing newb
I just set up reef aquarium (abt 1 month ) and i found that the live sand in my aquarium is too much about 6" . is it ok or shoud i take the sand to 2" ? Pls advise
It really depends who you ask, most people would say that what you have is perfect, maybe take it down to 5" A DSB is good.
I disagree. 6 inches is barely deep enough to be considered a DSB (5 inches is definitely not) and a DSB is not good to have in the display tank - it should be remote, like in a separate fuge, so it can be disconnected if need be. A sand bed like that has the potential to lead to water quality problems and even tank crashes farther along the road. I would gradually remove scoops of sand until you have 1 to 2 inches. And make sure your rocks are sitting on the glass, not the sand. You don't want a rockslide when the sand shifts. Also if this is in a 20 gallon tank, a 6" sandbed is taking up 1/3 of your tank space. That doesn't leave a lot of room for rock, water or fish.
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thanks bifferwine and civicdemon ... since i already set up the reef aquarium , can i take the sand out ? does it will affect the saltwater and the fish ??
Yeah i would say take off like the top layer from one half then do the other half about 3 or 4 days later. Make sure your not taking to big of a layer maybe half an inch or so at a time.
If its only been set up for a month then there will no danger in pulling out however much you want right now. I have sand issues and have been researching them A LOT. Everything that has been read by me indicates that you would have no issues what so ever. Now, if it were a DSB that was 6 - 8 months old? I would advise you to remove it with a syphon while doing a water change a little at a time.
Instead of scooping, I suggest starting a siphon with a piece of tubing, sucking out that detritus you kick up, while removing the sand, creating minimal spikes.