live rock ?

I swear the things have mulitplied over night! Holy cow...I guess I get what I ask for...HITCHIKERS! I'll try to find some Joe's Juice...will it kill anything else that's growing like the feather dusters. Do the aipstias eat stuff like that? What technique is the best though?
And Joe just tested the water....nitrates and phos. are at 0...but we just added that rock yesterday! The tank surely hasn't cycled yet???? right??? do I need to somehow start a cycle?
it will just take off on its own, but that can take while. add a bit of fish food, or some table shrimp and in 2-3 days test the water. oh and i think ur live rock will start the cycle to
Yeah it will take a while for the waste to build enough to test. You need to be checking for ammonia(NH3) and nitrites(NO2) first,in that order. Nitrates will come later.
With good cured rock(which it sounds like you've got)Its possible to completely skip the cycle.Just dont count it.Right now,I would give it a couple of weeks and see what happens.
It can take a few days for ammonia and nitrites to first show up. If you don't see anything in a few days, drop some fish food in the tank to give it a kick start.

Joe's Juice *shouldn't* hurt anything else, but you don't want to apply it to anything but the aiptasia anyways, just to be on the safe side.
your not seeing nitrates because they are the last to spike during the cycle, first test for ammonia, once that comes down to zero from its spike, then test for nitrites. once those hit zero, give your tank a huge water change. maybe 20-30% or more but dont exceed a 50% water change
Thanks everyone for the information. I went to another LFS today...they told me the same thing. I talked about the apstias and he made me up a kalkwasser/calcium mix to kill them.
I also got a peppermint shrimp to eat any little ones I miss (of course I won't add him till it properly cycles. He let me stick my hand in the tank with the shrimp and they attacked my felt so weird! I was laughing my head off cause it tickled/gave me hebegebes!! I was drooling it freaked me out so much...they guy must of thought I was wacky.
He also hooked me up with 2 of the chromis I've been wanting and said I can use them to recycle the tank after the first big cycle.
And I also got a big zebra turbo to eat the brown algae in my other tank. The other one did too good of a job last time and starved I got a smaller one. lesson learned.
And he recommmend a tank cycler to move the tanks cycle along faster, so I got a small vile of it.
You guys are really great! I would be so lost in the hobby with out you!
oh yeah, speakin of chromis...mine are tiny...he couldn't grab just one so he gave me two for the price of one.
but one of them is at the surface scared to death! The lights are off but I turned on a side room's light to check on them and he seems to be spotted in color. Probably stress right? anything but time to help him?
me: 1!!! aipstias: 0! I used the syringe calcium technique. Thanks for the advice.

I mean I'm not stupid and thinkin that I got all the tiny tiny babies...but as far as visible ones...they are goners!

And the chromis are both doing fine...little friends...they are furocius little eaters... I swear they're mouths are bigger then their bodies...their named "thing 1 and thing 2" for that reason. My kids are just like that and that's what I call them too.
Nemo is being a little mean to them, but he'll get over it surely.

How do I know if the snail is doing well though...he's been stuck to the aame spot on the glass for awhile now?

And I think I'm in competiton for the forum's worst speller award ;)
Yeah, if the snail falls to the sand and just lays there, then it's time to break out the casket. But if he's on the glass, he's just chilling.