Live rock questions

Barry.On that last link,the rock alone would cost you well over $200.
Offer her 150,but if I was in the market to set up another tank I'd be happy to find that deal at 200.
Barry.On that last link,the rock alone would cost you well over $200.
Offer her 150,but if I was in the market to set up another tank I'd be happy to find that deal at 200.

Thanks Yote! Only thing I really want out of it is the lights, skimmer and rock, but the others we'll see if i can keep alive til I get the rest of mine put together.
I've collected a lot of free rock (dead coral) off the beach and cured it myself. I have probably saved several h8ndred dollar doing this. I juts picked up a small but beautiful piece yesterday in a thrift shop for 50 cents.

Ooooh you mean I can just go stroll along the beach here and pick up rock? Lots of smaller rocks wash up all the time. I would then have to cure it I suppose? Although nothing is in my tank except for Bibbity and Bobbity the 2 hitchhiking astraea snails. Since I'm not planning on adding anything for a long time, can the rock cure in my tank itself? I truly <3 this forum
You can pick up rocks off the beach (as long as it's not in violation of any local wildlife/harvesting laws -- usually dead stuff on the beach is not). I would boil it before adding it to the tank. You can cure it in the tank with your other rocks.

I would just pick up rock that washed up. The only rules posted on our beach is: 1. No dogs between 9am-5pm 2. Please do not pick sea oats.

Sad to say, but it seems Jacksonville is not overly concerned about it's beaches or local sea life too much.
My husband says it's a crime that they don't give too much thought to it. He and his family have always been beachcombers too. So he would have a good idea on what would be safe to take and what not to. I remember oh about 6 years ago, bunches and bunches of starfish were washing up on the beach. Made the tourists happy!!!! :( needless to say, they were collected and dried
That's sad that people would dry out starfish...

My husband and I bring home driftwood from Lake Michigan and used it with our Bearded Dragons...

But I think that's illegal, too?