Little dots!


Reefing newb
These little white dots are showing up all in my tank. What in the world are they?!
Param: P.h 8.0, ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 30ppm (this is a spike from messing in the back of my tank and getting thins stirred up), phosphate 1.0ppm.
Any clues?
That would make sense. I just got a cuc from reefcleaners and those apart of the crew.
Why wont they hatch?
im not exactly sure but my guess are:
1. they arent properly fertilized in our tanks
2. our tanks are too warm for them to develop properly
3. we are missing some critical component required for their development

There are some snails that do reproduce well in our systems, such as the stomalla snail and a few others, but none are types we usually buy for our CUC crews but they are great hitchhikers.
Wow! Apparently everyone is getting Nerite eggs! Two back to back nerite egg sac IDs. Maybe it's baby time at ReefCleaners.....
Hhaha, guess i should have checked out the other posts and wouldn't had to make this one. And thanks littlefish for the info. Neat stuff to know.
yeah mine did to when I got them .. unfortunately like little_fish said the eggs hatching wont happen..