

Reefing newb
New lights are in. Bought a 48" Coralife Lunar Aqualight that has 2 65W Actinic, 2 65W 10K compact fluorescents, as well as the moon LEDs.

From what I've read, this light should be decent enough to keep whichever soft corals I would want in my 55.

I know there's a bit more to using them then "on" and "off" however as I've read you should turn the blues on before the whites and such.

How long should my lights be on/off and in what order with respect to the blues/whites?

I wasn't even planning on keeping corals but good luck trying to tell that to the boyfriend. He dropped the $300 on the lights so I'm not arguing. :P
If you have seperate switches/cords for the lights you can run the lights independantly.You can run eack cord to a timer and time your lights for the hours you want them on. I run my actinic blues for an hour and a half before my day-lights turn on. The also run for an hour after my day-lights turn off. I have my daylights on for 8 hours starting at noon.
+ fast

My lights stay on a total of 10 hours a day.The actinics come on first,1-1/2 hrs before)before the daylights and stay on 1-1/2 hrs after the daylights goes out.You can buy cheap timers at Walmart,well just about anywhere.