Lighting Question

The first light you were looking at, the Nova extreme, will do you fine, but consider it a "basic" light. I have one on my 46g and have no problems. This has moonlights. The Nova Extreme Pro is a much better unit, but doesn't have moonlights. I would take the pro over the regular extreme anyday. If you get that light, you could pretty much keep anything in a tank that size.
Your fish and corals would love the Nove Extreme Pros.You could keep any coral,clam,or anemone you want and not have to worry about weather you got enough light.
Either of the Novas would be fine for your tank. It also depends on your budget. If you do decide to go with a fixture that doesn't have moonlights, it's cheap and easy to add moonlights yourself, so that shouldn't be the determining factor.