lighting question


i know there is no set time how long the lights need to be on for a reef tank but i need to find out how to set the timers for my lighting. i have 2 halides and 2 pc and 4 moon glow. right now i am running my pc's 10 am to 10 pm my halides turns on/off at diferent times, one turns on at 1p and off at 6p and the other is on at 3p and off at 8p. is this too much or not? any suggestions are definitely welcome. thanks....kimoy
Your photo period seems to be a good place to start. you may want to reduce your mh an hour or maybe not. you can adjust back or forward as you like but the time spread on and off seem to be ok to start. Its difficult to compare my system as I have 7 ramp times to get full light on and another 7 ramp down times to get full lights off not including the moon lights. so what you have sounds ok you can tweak as need be.