Lighting in a marine aquarium


Reefing newb
The correct lighting in a marine aquarium is a must but the type of lighting
depends upon what inhabitants you hope to keep.
If you interested in keeping a fish only aquarium then fluorescent tubing will most likely be sufficient.
If, however you hope to keep corals in your aquarium then your selection will depend upon the type of corals you are hoping to keep.
For example if you are going to keep soft corals then T5/T8 tubes would suffice (dependent upon the type of soft coral and the depth of your
If you are hoping to keep hard corals (sps) then you will need a much more stronger light. Metal halide, for example is a fantastic unit to use over a reef tank with hard corals.
Choose your lighting dependent upon the aquarium inhabitants. :sfish:
With the right choice of fixture and coral placement, you can keep SPS under T5's. LED's are quickly become very popular as well, but there are a lot of low quality Chinese knock off fixtures flooding the market right now
Welcome to the site. I am thinking about going led on my 55" but I would choose DIY but thats just me. I think Radion set ups are the top rated if you have the money up front but you save over the long run.