light timer


I found Nemo
I found this neat little timer at wal-mart. I think it's new because i have looked at their timers before and never noticed it. It's for outdoor use so i figured it would be more suitable for aquarium use than the regular timers. as you can see it has a nice little guard for protection against moisture and splashing. for ten bucks I thought I would give it a try. especially after what happened this weekend. for some reason i have been procrastinating on getting a timer. mostly because my wife is at home during the day so she turns them on for me. but, we went on a canoe trip this weekend so my dad stayed over to watch the kids (and my tank). found out the hard way he can't remember $hit anymore. he didn't turn my lights off all weekend. i came home today to find my tank completely covered in algae. and the water temp at 68 degrees because my dad is extremely hot natured and he cranked the a.c. thermostat down to 65 degrees. and my tank sets right under the vent. needles to say i was p.o'ed when i got home. i just hope my corals survive. they didn't look too happy earlier. but, anyway maybe the timer will save some grief later on. i will try this one out for a few days. if i like the way it works i will buy another one so that i can cycle actinics on then daylights.

what the crap! it keeps posting the same picture over and over when i plainly clicked on another picture. i even tried it the third time to make sure. but, anyway i was trying to post a pic with it still in the box. the brand is woods. it's in a yellow box.
That may work...... what kind of lights do you have? Heres why I ask.... on my nano tanks I bought simple Timex timers kinda like that one, since they have only one setting (lights on/ lights off and of course moonlights) I can use those..... As for my 55 reef I have a power strip with 4 timers built into it to run my lights properly (actinic, 10K and lunar lights...) I don't use the fourth one yet.
As for your corals, only time will tell. Your tank overheating is far worst that your tank getting a too cold. Give them a day or three (if the algae is that bad) in the dark to kind of reset themselves.
LOL...sorry fishbait,I had to dad can't remember crap either.Every time he comes over he ask the same question ''what kind of fish tank is this again."ITS A FRICKIN' REEF TANK!''I reply.Dang it scares me.I might be like him sometime down the road.I was trying to upload a picture just a moment ago,It wouldn't go.I think your 3 pics clog the server gonna have to check those timers out.I seen similar ones with covers but they were much more than those.WOW! 68 degrees,hope everything made it through that.
that timer looks the way i need one and that one looks perfect..and thats what dads do when they gets older..fart and watch tv..heheh..good luck fisbait..i hope your corals are ok
hawk, this one has about as many settings as you want. as long as they are 15 minutes apart. but, you can only run one set of lights on them. unless you want them all coming on and going off at the same time like mine are. I will buy another one next weekend so i can set actinics to come on first. as far as how much light they can handle they are rated for something like 1230 watts. i don't remember exactly how much. i threw the package away allready. and i just took the trash out. i don't feel like going dumpster diving:) so they should work fine on my p.c.'s
Sounds fine for PCs. A secound timer would be a good idea though. I reccommend having your actinics come on an hour before your 10k and stay on two hours after your 10k shut off.