light colors


Reefing newb
I was at a different LFS today and noticed that they had pink lights over one of their tanks? I assume that it is a different spectrum light than say blue or white, but does this gives the corals a different color? If I ran a MH 14k light and then put the different colors on when I was looking at them would the corals still have the same color as if I ran those different colors all the time?
What fish store is this you speak of? Pretty sure ive been to them all in milwaukee....i'm not sure about your question, just curious to what store u visited.
What fish store is this you speak of? Pretty sure ive been to them all in milwaukee....i'm not sure about your question, just curious to what store u visited.
Hoffers on 76th and Good Hope way on the North side of Milwaukee, most likely better than an hour for you and IMO not worth the drive. Way over priced and bad looking tanks fish and ect...
Pink lights? I've never heard of anyone running pink lights. The higher the K rating, the more intense the colors on most corals will be.
that is the color they looked when they were on, not sure of K rating didn't look or ask I was very disappointed in the LFS and would not have trusted anything they said anyway. Never seen those lights before just wondering if it made a diffrence.
Dana have you been down to Midwest coral farms in North Chi? Best one I have been to in area. They are on Hwy 41 and Half Day rd. Could be 30-45 mins from you. That is the place you want to check out if you have not been there and are looking for corals. They do not carry to much in fish, but their name kind of tells you that.
ATI has the new Purple + bulbs
and the more original was the KZ Fiji Purple.

They enhance the color of red/orange/pink/purples.

I have a Purple + bulb over my tank right now. Only really dramatically enhances the colors on my fish imo(Clown, Flamehawk). Slightly on corals.
Anderson i havent been there but when milwaukee had frag fest a couple months back i bought my blastos from them....i want to go bad but i dont have a DL! If you are going and would like some company id be more than willing to pay for half the gas. PM me if you want my number or if you ever want to know if i have any frags to get rid of. There is a decent lil shop down here in Racine too. Just PM me and we can talk.

I have been to that store and they fucking suck. Their fish tanks look like shit and i pretty much just walked out lol. They need better emplyees to run their shit. DONT buy anything from them. Ive had better luck finding ppl on craigslist that sell out of their home with 1000x's better looking corals and fish.
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Dana, I am not looking to go anytime soon. I was laid off a few weeks ago, plus I need to let what I have start to grow out. I got two orders online in the last month so I have a lot of small frags right now in the tank and want to let them get established before I add anything else. Most likely not untill spring or so before I look at getting anything else. I only have a 29gal for the corals so space is limited.
UVL makes an Actinic White 12000K internal reflector bulb that is pink. I have two on my T5 Nova Pro. They really enhance some of the colors and my corals seemed to respond to the new light also.
UV daylight bulbs like the Aquasun 10000k bulb looks pink.

To some people's eyes KZ Fiji purple and ATI Purple+ can look pinkish but they look lavender to my eyes.All these different bulb colors T5 bulbs come in is to enhance certain colors like more vivid reds,yellows,oranges and not just for coral growth,