Lets see your MD

Lil photoshoot today...heres the two that turned out!



looks like he is puckering up for a kiss haha
LOL. Its why i started reefing in the first place. He's a big ham. Cant believe 2 years is right around the corner. Thanks for looking!
I know these guys are quite peaceful but figured I would ask anyway:

Would it be okay to add a Green Mandarin and a Spotted Mandarin to a tank?
I know these guys are quite peaceful but figured I would ask anyway:

Would it be okay to add a Green Mandarin and a Spotted Mandarin to a tank?

I think in a larger tank it may be okay... I wouldn't try it in anything smaller, though.
Sorry for the bad quality photos!
Both MDs are quite fat now. I've got them coming up to share blood worms, brine shrimp and even fresh shrimp from a pipette now. Very exciting. Hopefully they will start to grow soon - they are only about 1.5 inches long.