LED Lighting questions


Reefing newb
So I've had my tank up for quiiite a while now (over a year). Just recently upgraded to a 55g with a 20g sump (DIY all the way!!! DIY overflow, sump AND tank stand. BOOYAKASHA!)

Anyway, I recently got a long tentacle anemone and I'm curious about my lighting. I cant remember exactly but I''m pretty sure my lighting is the 36-48 inch version of this: http://www.petco.com/product/122549/Fluval-Eco-Bright-LED-Aquarium-Strip-Light.aspx

Anyway, How do i know if I've got enough lighting for the nem (and possible future corals)? I don't know how the wattage translates with LEDs. I think you're supposed to have 3-5 watts per gallon, but i have no idea of the conversions.

thanks !!!
honestly, I have never bought a light fixture from Petco...I watched a video and the marine one doesn't look bad but I would maybe buy another unit and put 2 over the tank
I wouldn't personally risk it. I went with the ReefBreeders value fixture for $180 shipped and I really like it. My SPS are doing well under it, as are my zoas/palys and LPS. I don't know much about those fixtures to recommend them or not, but like I said, its a risk I'm not willing to take, personally.
If the LT anemone is stretching, you need more light. If it's all squished down nice and flat you're good on lighting.
I'm not sure about those lights. I went with 3 ecoray 72DXs over my 125gal. I know how it is to be on a budget all I had for a year was T8s, just remember you get what you pay for. Keep us updated on how it goes.