Koralia 1050 broke?


Reefing newb
Thi sis the second one recently I have had stop blowing water. I have two 1050's in my 75 and have already replaced one. Today I see the other one has stopped blowing. Most of the time if I take the cover off and help it, it will resume but this time, no go. I can tell it's getting power and if I turn it manually it'll go around but once I put it in water it stops. Is it trash? I don't think I'll be buying any more Hydor stuff. The new one I put in to replace the first broke one still needs help turning now and then.
Are you cleaning your powerheads regularly? That will cause them to break down, but if you give the broke one a good cleaning it might start working again
Yeah, I do at times. This is one that's been in there since I started the tank, about two years. It's clean where moving parts are so I don't think it's just dirty and something is clogging it up.
Yeah, sounds about right. Basically when I see they are looking kind of yucky and need it. Definitely not neglected to the point where they are just clogged with gunk.
If the new one you bought isn't really working, you should call the place you got it from - they'll likely replace it for you!
It does work normally. Just I'd say once a month it'll just stop. I get in there and either squeeze the front cover or take it off and touch the fan and it'll go again. Just annoying at times and I bought it online so that's more of a pain to work out a replacement.
Happened to mine, turns out the impeller drive had swollen, so the impeller couldnt turn over. Try taking it out and seeing if the magnet has swollen up.
Yeah, I think you nailed it. Checked it out and took this picture. Looks swollen to me but what could cause this? Can I get a new one without buying a whole new powerhead?

Yep, I emailed them, and they sent me a replacement!
Glad I could help, ahaha, took me a while, taking it bit to bit, turning it off and on, then I finally found the problem few hours later. Haha, and I say I'm a technical person! :rolleyes:
I had 2 of mine do that, and since they are past any warranty date i just tossed them for replacements. I am interested in finding the cause as the magnets for the impellers should not be splitting. I do have a question for both of you though, did the powerhead at any time create a vortex (or whatever) to the top and suck air in? I think this would cause the magnet to shift mid rotation. The reason I ask is that i feel the magnets split from slightly bumping the sides continuously (maybe just over a few hours) and then split from the stress. If you look closely you could probably see groove lines going horizontally around the magnet. I think these are the actual impact sites of the contact between the magnet and then housing which would cause them to split. Koralia isnt known for making cheap products so the fact that it has happened to multiple people leads me to believe we all had the circumstances that led to the magnets splitting, that, or Koralia has a design flaw or component flaw with their magnets.
I have the 1050's or the 750's (two in my 40) ands I have seen all of them end up going in a reverse direction and just blow a little water from the sides. By the way, Hydor is sending me a new impeller, no charge.
The magnets usually split like this if water gets through the magnet's waterproof housing and corrodes the inner plates.

The outside surface of the magnets are ok with getting wet. But if the housing cracks or gets scratched deep enough for some reason, the inner plates will corrode and swell up.