Kissing clown


Reefing newb

I have had these 2 clowns for over a week now. They were both eating great, now the one on top is not eating. last 2 days mouth has bin open. has slightly labored breathing. Nothing visible on fish. Could it be flukes? Any other ideas or what I can do?
Amonia 0 , Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, Ph 8.2, Temp 79,

I will look more closely to see if I see anything. Thanks for the link
Thanks for the link Reefkeeper,I keep as a reference.

I don't know for sure what it is.I seen this so many times with Ocellaris/Percula clownfishes I've owned and from others.They stop eating,fast respiration otherwise the fish looks healthy.
if it is an Internal Parasite ... there are a lot of options. try going here ansking Kelly Jedlicki what she thinks. she is a good friend of mine and a member of my local club.

Disease, Health and Wellness - by Kelly Jedlicki

keep in mind that she is very busy ... but she checks this forum every day. she has picked the mods of the forum for thier knowledge on keeping marine fish.
Thanks for the link Reefkeeper,I keep as a reference.

I don't know for sure what it is.I seen this so many times with Ocellaris/Percula clownfishes I've owned and from others.They stop eating,fast respiration otherwise the fish looks healthy.

Have they pulled through or do they end up dieing?
if it is an Internal Parasite ... there are a lot of options. try going here ansking Kelly Jedlicki what she thinks. she is a good friend of mine and a member of my local club.

Disease, Health and Wellness - by Kelly Jedlicki

keep in mind that she is very busy ... but she checks this forum every day. she has picked the mods of the forum for thier knowledge on keeping marine fish.

Thanks Keeper I will check it out. Like the disease link
This may be your problem then. Move your powerheads up to the surface of the water. You want the ripple to break the surface so that the air and water mix. You might have too little dissolved oxygen in your tank.
Sadly no they did not pull through.Once it stopped eating,I could never get them to again,eventually,either the disease/illness or starvation takes them in.I'm not saying thats whats going on with yours.

I do not believe its a lack of dissolved oxygen,sorry Biff.
Moved the powerheads. I sure will let you know if it helps. He acts like he wants to eat swims right to the food and hits his mouth but not taking it in. Hope it is that simple of a fix.