

Reefing newb
I'm reading into dosing this in my tank but I'm wondering if I'm getting a little ahead of myself. When should I start worrying about This? I currently do 20% weekly water changes and my tank is only stocked with about 7 frags, and a large colt coral, I'm thinking maybe I'm not losing enough calcium yet to have to worry about this (not sure haven't tested daily to see how much loss) should I start dosing or wait untill my tank is a little more stocked?
As long as you dont have alot of coral that depend on calcium (SPS) your water changes will replenish what you need for calcium..
If you need to dose, you HAVE to test. In order to know if you need to dose you need to test at least every other day if not every day. If you see drops in those parameters and after your water change they still don't go back to where they should be then you can start considering a dosing plan.

But, with only a couple of frags you really shouldn't have to worry about it yet.