just thought this was cute..


Reefing newb
I don't know if you remember a couple weeks ago I posted a pic of my SCAT getting inside his mouth cleaned by my newly acquired cleaner shrimp. He LOVES it. follows the shrimp around all the time.
Anyway, as of yesterday he is trying to get my hermit crabs to clean him. Follows them around, holds his mouth open. One crab actually grabbed onto him yesterday. The scat wasn't long shaking him off, yet, today he is following the crab around again. (I never said it was a smart fish)

And as a side note, I have been trying to get some questions about the scat answered. Since it is known more commonly as a brackish fish, I posted on 3 brackish forums. Not one answered me since 2 days ago. No one can compete with Living Reefs I guess. :)