Just bought 48" Aqualight Double Strip T5..disappointed?


Reefing newb
Here's my question...I have a 55g tank with a few Clownfish, Damsels, Hermits, Snails, Crabs, small Leather tree coral about 4" and a few pollups. Is the Aqualight T5 capable of sustaining coral life in my 55 g or just fish only? I have searched the forums to see what kind of environment this light is best used for. Also, the Tree coral I have is turning white and Deflated, is this because of my Light change or the low amount of wattage put out by this new light.

I got it from the LFS for $65 and I am wondering if I will end up regretting my decision....OR will I just not be able to sustain coral life and put the coral that are in there now back into the 29G Nano Cube.

I know there is a 4watt per gallon rule so this would obviously be below that putting out only 56 watts for 200watt necessity. Are fish and other inverts safe with this light?
the light is fine for a fowlr (fish only with live rock) For corals you will need to upgrade. Fish and inverts dont need light to live most corals do. Oh and welcome to the site.
Thank you for the Welcome. Appreciate the Response. So if I went back to the LFS and bought another one of these lights would it be able to sustain coral or no?

For now, I will take the Coral back out of the tank and keep it a fowlr. What is a good amount of time to keep this light on per day? 8 - 9 hours?
well you would still be low by about half, with another of the same fixture. What type of corals are you trying to keep? There are some low light corals that you could have near the surface however once you start getting those you will want to go with more. It is best if you get the light requirements to what you would like to eventual keep. For example if you are think sps or anemone then you will need a heck of alot of t-5 6 to 8 or go mh or a combination of the two. check out the lights on this site some very good prices compared to everywhere else including lfs CRE Loaded 6 - Best Pet Lighting another option is Aquatraders - Wide selection of Aquarium Lightings including T5 HO, Power Compact, Metal Halide however the is alot of bad press about aquatraders and the quality of the fixtures. I personal have a mh set up from them and have been happy with them. But dont just take my word for it go online and compare fixtures when you see something you like look for reviews and then ask here. If you keep your tank a fowlr for now the light time is really up to you the only reason for the light is so you can see what is in your tank. 6 hours or 8 is just fine. When you get corals then you have to worry about lighting times and such. Do a lot of research on the net go get some books etc ask lots of questions dont just go by what the lfs guy tells you. He will want to sell you what he has in stock not what you might really need. The people here are great and will help every step of the way dont be afraid to ask. :D
anytime, we are all here to help each other. When we say welcome in on this site we mean it. There is a lot of joking going around between everyone here but when it comes to our tanks you wont find a better group of people. :D
oh I found this on marine and reefs website on that light you bought
Coralife Aqualight Dual Linear Strip T5 Aquarium Lighting Fixture, 2X28 Watt, 48 inch Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Our Price: $60.50
In Stock!

The Coralife Aqualight T5 aquarium lighting fixtures are recommended for use with fish only tanks.
hey Ted, dont they have these at aquarium designs, over with the lights on the bottom shelf?

if i remember they were about that price too...
for a 55 i would get at least 6 t5 ho's with individual reflectors. i have 8 t5's on my 75 and can keep anything i want in there so far
hey Ted, dont they have these at aquarium designs, over with the lights on the bottom shelf?

if i remember they were about that price too...
ya I think they where fairly close on the price. I was just trying to point out that they are for fish only systems.
For corals in a 55 gallon tank, you will need a minimum of 4 bulbs. I used to have a 4 bulb T5 fixture over my old 55, and it worked out just fine. I was even able to keep an anemone for a couple years, and anemones are some of the most light demanding animals you can get.

There are also 6 and 8 bulb 48" fixtures. Of course, they are better and more powerful than the 4 bulb, but if you are on a budget, 4 bulbs will do the trick, at 4 watts per gallon.