just a quickquestion

I have a question that i hope u guys can help me with I racently bought a live rock about a month ago and i notice something white coming out of it i dont know what it is and i was hopping u guys would be able to identify it. i dont have a picture but it looks like an animone or maybe soem coral is white it really some and it looks like there is sprouts coming all over that rock.

could be featherduster i think idk i got some called spaghtti worms and they also hitchhike maybe one of the mighty people on here could help
I have a question that i hope u guys can help me with I racently bought a live rock about a month ago and i notice something white coming out of it i dont know what it is and i was hopping u guys would be able to identify it. i dont have a picture but it looks like an animone or maybe soem coral is white it really some and it looks like there is sprouts coming all over that rock.

could be featherduster i think idk i got some called spaghtti worms and they also hitchhike maybe one of the mighty people on here could help
***Here's a suggestion. If you have a question and did not start this thread, then please start a NEW thread yourself and ask your question there. If you did start this thread and have a new, unrelated question, please also start a new thread. I'm just having a hard time following this thread because there are several people all asking about different things.***

To the person that asked if you can add a peppermint shrimp before the tank has cycled because he heard that inverts don't get sick, the answer is no. Inverts get sick. Inverts die. In fact, they are more sensitive and difficult to keep than fish. If your tank is in the middle of cycling, a peppermint shrimp will have about a snowball's chance in hell of surviving. You should be over and done with your cycle for at least a month before adding a shrimp or starfish. They are especially sensitive.

To the person who asked about the coral/anemone thing, we can't do much without a description and/or picture. If you can't get a pic, browse through these websites and see if you find a match:

Melev's Reef - Visual Identification
Indo Pacific Hitch Hikers
***Here's a suggestion. If you have a question and did not start this thread, then please start a NEW thread yourself and ask your question there. If you did start this thread and have a new, unrelated question, please also start a new thread. I'm just having a hard time following this thread because there are several people all asking about different things.***

To the person that asked if you can add a peppermint shrimp before the tank has cycled because he heard that inverts don't get sick, the answer is no. Inverts get sick. Inverts die. In fact, they are more sensitive and difficult to keep than fish. If your tank is in the middle of cycling, a peppermint shrimp will have about a snowball's chance in hell of surviving. You should be over and done with your cycle for at least a month before adding a shrimp or starfish. They are especially sensitive.

To the person who asked about the coral/anemone thing, we can't do much without a description and/or picture. If you can't get a pic, browse through these websites and see if you find a match:

Melev's Reef - Visual Identification
Indo Pacific Hitch Hikers

i was gonna suggest that but i didnt want to seem rude

i not saying your rude just that you have the authority to suggest that thanks biff

i hate that my phones keeps telling me i have a new reply to my thread when it has nothing to do with it again gracias:Cheers:
***Here's a suggestion. If you have a question and did not start this thread, then please start a NEW thread yourself and ask your question there. If you did start this thread and have a new, unrelated question, please also start a new thread. I'm just having a hard time following this thread because there are several people all asking about different things.***

To the person that asked if you can add a peppermint shrimp before the tank has cycled because he heard that inverts don't get sick, the answer is no. Inverts get sick. Inverts die. In fact, they are more sensitive and difficult to keep than fish. If your tank is in the middle of cycling, a peppermint shrimp will have about a snowball's chance in hell of surviving. You should be over and done with your cycle for at least a month before adding a shrimp or starfish. They are especially sensitive.

To the person who asked about the coral/anemone thing, we can't do much without a description and/or picture. If you can't get a pic, browse through these websites and see if you find a match:

Melev's Reef - Visual Identification
Indo Pacific Hitch Hikers

If you want an arrow crab.Then be all means get one.
But dont be surprised when it starts making a meal out of your fish.
I'm suprised to hear that arrow crabs are so aggressive...I must be one of the lucky ones. My arrow crab and lawnmower blenny hang out together all the time in my tank...I've never him the arrow crab do anything but sift through sand for stuff to eat.