

Reefing newb
I really dig those yellow-headed jawfish.. i think they look pretty neat and have some decent personality..

how deep of substrate would i need? i read that around three inches is the right number but idealy i would like to have sand no deeper than about an inch and a half...

has anyone had success with maybe making a little sand hill perhaps walled in with live rock rubble to have a small spot with deeper substrate? Would they even be able to figure out that that is the only place they can make a burrow? or would it be impossible to keep a sand hill even with a wall just because of the circulation in the tank?
When I had my Yellow-Headed Jawfish, Stanley, he would mainly hide out under the base of the rock. He would always sift the sand everywhere but didn't really dig a sand cave to live in. He would scoop out his bed area down about an inch or so. I think a deeper sand bead would be preferred, but not absolutely necessary.