It Could ONLY Happen To Me :(


Certified Master Stylist
Unfortunately on this forum there's not a category called Dumbest Move Made By A Member. Maybe we need one :grumble:

I pulled my 43 gallon fresh water holding tank out of my van yesterday to let it dry out completely on the inside. Why? You ask. BECAUSE I got this brilliant idea..... I will put the tank in the back of my MOM'S Trailblazer, go to Coral Logic, fill the water tank with their lovely, fresh, perfectly balanced saltwater and have PLENTY of water for the tanks after the move. Great idea right?
Got to Coral Logic and the first thing that happens is: their fill hose is too big for the fill hose on my tank. Well Jeremy (bless his heart) figured out a way to do it. So I happily buy 30 gallons of lovely, fresh, perfectly balanced water. Actually I figured there was more like 35 gallons in there. Head off to the old house, down the bouncy dirt road, park the trailblazer and proceed to drain and pull the rock, corals, pissed off fish etc from my tank.
Dana was helping me get everything finished up and my tank was the last. He walks outside and I hear, " HOLY @&$*!!!!!!!! He then yells-"Uh.... Look at this!"
So I grumblingly ( is that a word?) get up and go out side and behold.....water. Lovely, fresh, perfectly balanced Water POURING out of every crevice in the trailblazer onto the freaking concrete. Did I mention it's MY MOM'S vehicle?! Approximately 20 gallons had leaked out of the tank and flooded the car. The entire interior floorboards are soaked with uh.... SALT water!!! I could have cried. For many reasons. LUCKILY there was enough to fill up the 10 after I moved it and now the 29 has more water in it but..... This was SO not my plan!!!!
Wait a minute.... you drove around with a full tank of water in your car???

I drive around with a tank of water every day :dunno: but remember the first line about a Dumb Move category? :grumble:
Anyway yes. It really SEEMED a good idea for a quantity of water. Argghhh
This really sucks good idea getting six 5g jugs that have caps bad idea using a capless 43g tank to slash about when driving... well I am only assuming it was a lid/capless tank. This sucks I'd cry even if it was my car that much water on the inside ick not good.. well if its any consolation the pipes in my room burst and half my room was flooded a few nights ago...
This really sucks good idea getting six 5g jugs that have caps bad idea using a capless 43g tank to slash about when driving... well I am only assuming it was a lid/capless tank. This sucks I'd cry even if it was my car that much water on the inside ick not good.. well if its any consolation the pipes in my room burst and half my room was flooded a few nights ago...

What? No. It's not an open top tank. It was my freshwater holding tank out of my grooming van. It has a blue fill hose on the top corner and the smaller hose that connects to the water pump. THAT was the hose that came loose